Today - New Year's Eve, No Interruptions Day and Make Up Your Mind Day Do you have any plans for New Years Eve?
January will be Celebration Of Life Month, Hot Tea Month, Be Kind To Food Servers Month, Get Organized Month, Soup Month, Oatmeal Month, Brainteaser Month and Creativity Month
Tomorrow - New Year's Day, Bloody Mary Day, Polar Bear Swim Day, Copyright Law Day, Euro Day, Z Day and Commitment Day
Next Saturday - Bobblehead Day, Tempura Day, Old Rock Day, Fruitcake Toss Day, Harlem Globetrotter's Day and I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day
January 31 - Gorilla Suit Day, Backward Day and Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement,
and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin
Breaking down
your goals can help you gain perspective for when things get difficult
and can give you a feeling of success as you accomplish each small task
on your way to achieving your dream. By breaking down your goals, you
will learn how to progress, which is an important skill for anyone.
one plan to break down your goals by time. Begin by writing down your
dream goal and why you want to achieve it. Then break it down by day,
week and month.
Weekly: Build on your daily habits to take a larger step toward your goal each week. Focus on increasing the amount of time you devote to each daily task each week so that you are gradually improving week by week. Write down how you improve or where you struggled. If you find you aren’t meeting your weekly goal, keep trying to complete that goal before you move to a new one.
Monthly: Each month set
a big goal. Write it down and plan your daily and weekly goals to
achieve your monthly goal. Each month as you complete your goal, you
will be motivated to try even harder the next month. At the end of each
month, review your progress and match it against achieving your overall
Another name for your dream goal is "definite chief aim" which was popularized by Napoleon Hill. Thanks to my friend, Michele Reynolds, for talking about this during her conference call on Sunday. Here is the definite chief aim of Bruce Lee:
Interesting days
Today - Tick Tock Day and Pepper Pot Day
Tomorrow - Bacon Day and Bicarbonate of Soda Day
Next Thursday - Whipped Cream Day and Bird Day
January 29 - International Fun At Work Day, Curmudgeons Day, Puzzle Day, Freethinkers Day and Cornchip Day