Monday, December 23, 2019

BuJo - Faster than a speeding bullet (journal) #MBM

This is a Meander Back Monday post. It was supposed to be a #TBT for next month, but I wanted to get it out before the end of the year. It was originally published on January 23 of this year:

Bullet journaling or BuJo for short was one of the 5 ways to use your time off like experts do to prep for a productive week featured in yesterday's blog post.

A bullet journal in simplest form is a combination of a planner, diary, notebook, to-do list, and a sketchbook.

All you need is a notebook, preferably lined, and a simple system. The system consists of an index page, future pages, a monthly log, a daily log, and collections. It's really simpler than it sounds, check out this video:

If you go to the website,, they have fancy notebooks in different colors, but all you need is a lined notebook from the dollar store. But they do have some good tutorials there on how to get started.

I think I'll pick up a notebook today and give it a shot.

If you've done bullet journaling or if you decide to try it, let me know.

I did start bullet journalling earlier this year but I didn't keep up with it. But it's the ideal time to start again!

Interesting days

Today - Festivus and Roots Day

Tomorrow - Christmas Eve and Eggnog Day

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas
Next Monday - Bacon Day and Bicarbonate of Soda Day

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas
January 23 - Pie Day,  Handwriting Day and Measure Your Feet Day

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