Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What is a prompting?

That's the subject of my 10 minute presentation at next Wednesday's Ceres Business Builders chapter of Gold Star Referral Clubs meeting.

So, what is a prompting? It's that little voice in your head that says you should do something.

In his book "Promptings", Kody Bateman, the founder and CVO of SendOutCards, talks all about promptings.

Kody opened with the story of how an ignored prompting led to the creation of SendOutCards.

In the SOC world, a prompting is when someone pops into your mind. There's a reason that person popped up, and it may not be immediately apparent why, but you need to act on your prompting.

And acting on your prompting is to reach out to that person, either via a card, text, email, phone call, or in person meeting.

SendOutCards has always had a two fold mission: to allow millions of people to act on their promptings. And to provide a vehicle for financial freedom.

SendOutCards provides an easy way for people to act on their promptings by being able to send a greeting card directly from an app on your phone to their way of their mailbox.

I'm sure that while you were reading this someone popped into your mind. Stop now, download the app (if you don't already have it) and send them a card (your first card is free if you're not already a customer).

If you're in the area, be sure to stop by and check out my presentation!

Interesting days

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas
January 4 - Trivia DaySpaghetti DayWorld Braille DayFruitcake Toss DayHypnotism Day and Pop Music Chart Day

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