Friday, December 13, 2019

The week in review - December 13, 2019

Monday - "The Seasons of a Man’s Life: An Introduction" The first of a three part series from The Art of Manliness. "Just like the seasons of the year, the periods of adult development are neither good nor bad; rather, as each season is shaped by particular biological, psychological, and social factors, each simply brings “changes in the character of living.”

Tuesday - "The Seasons of a Man’s Life: Early Adulthood" The second of a three part series from The Art of Manliness. "Today we’ll delve into the specific character of these periods as experienced in the era of Early Adulthood, which lasts from about the late teens until the early forties."

Wednesday - "The Seasons of a Man’s Life: The Mid-Life Transition" The third of a three part series from The Art of Manliness. "While the idea of adult development being a lifelong process, and of there being unique phases within it, is not widely known in popular culture, most people have probably heard of having a “midlife crisis.”

Thursday - "How to Generate Endless Blog Topics #TBT" Being a blog post content creator, this really resonates with me. "So how can we keep coming up with new ideas every week? Here’s one way to help you generate blog topic ideas."

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Monkey DayBouillabaisse DayGingerbread Decorating Day and Roast Chestnuts Day

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas
Next Friday - Ugly Christmas Sweater DayGo Caroling DaySangria DayUnderdog Day and Games Day

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas 
January 13 -  Sticker DayRubber Duckie DayPublic Radio Broadcasting DayMake Your Dream Come True DaySkeptics DayPeach Melba Day and Clean Off Your Desk Day

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