Thursday, August 29, 2019

Time and money are the only benefits...everything else is just features #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published two years ago:

This is what Randy Wey said during his talk at the Gold Star Referral Club meeting that I went to a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if it originated with him or not. I didn't receive his contact information, so I haven't been able to talk to him about it.

This ties in with what Casey Eberhart always says: Business owners are only interested in two things...saving time and making money. But this may apply to everyone.

What's the difference between features and benefits? Here's a handy definition from Enchanting Marketing:
Summary: The difference between features vs benefits
  1. Features are facts about products or services; they add credibility and substance to your sales pitch
  2. Benefits give customers a reason to buy because they explain how your product or service improves their lives
  3. To translate features into benefits, answer the question “So what?” 
I talked last week about why people don't get what they want out of's usually a lack of time and/or money that stops them.

It's said that people only buy solutions to problems but most problems really boil down to a lack of time or money.

I'll use greeting cards as an example. Two of the main reasons that people don't send greeting cards is because it takes so much time to drive to the card store, browse the card aisles, buy a card, get it home, fill it out and get it in the mail...and the price of the card once they find one. A third reason is that they forget about birthdays or anniversaries...and that's because they didn't take the time to set up some kind of reminder system.

SendOutCards solves these problems by allowing you to send a card from wherever you are, including sitting on the toilet,

24 hours a day, seven days a week for $1.98 per card (or less). And the system will remind you of birthdays and anniversaries!

Even losing weight, eating healthier, buying often comes down to the fact that you shop at places that save you time and/or money.

This is what we need to remember when we're selling our product or service: Features tell, benefits sell.

The prices for cards from SendOutCards has changed. You can now send unlimited cards, postage included, for $97 per month. Or you can send a card a day for as low as $1.22 plus postage (55 cents if mailed within the US). There are other packages too. I'd love to discuss the features and benefits with you.

Interesting days

Today - More Herbs, Less Salt DayLemon Juice DayIndividual Rights DayChop Suey Day and Potteries Bottle Oven Day

Tomorrow - Slinky DayToasted Marshmallow DayFrankenstein DayInternational Whale Shark DayHolistic Pet DayCollege Colors Day and Grief Awareness Day

Next Thursday - World Samosa DayBe Late For Something DayInternational Day of Charity and Cheese Pizza Day

September 29 - World Heart DayBiscotti Day and Rivers Day

Week long celebrations:
September 23 - 29: International Week of Happiness at Work
Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

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