Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The 85% Solution

Today's blog post expands on something that was mentioned in yesterday's post.

In that post, Ramit Sethi mentioned what he called the 85% solution...whether you're talking finance, diet, exercise, don't have to be perfect, you just have to get 85% of the way to be able to make it work. Which reminded me of Tim Ferriss' book "The 4 Hour Body" where he talks about following his recommended diet 6 days a week and eat however much of whatever you want on the seventh day. By the way, 6 out of 7 days is 85.7%. Here's an article on the results someone got in following the diet for 30 days. Supposedly, eating whatever you want on the seventh day causes a "metabolic spike" physically; and psychologically, if you write down the things you crave during the week on a "cheat list" of the things you'll eat on your cheat day, you diminish its power by acknowledging the craving.

I've been trying to be at least a little healthier. I quit drinking soda back in March (except for a root beer float on Root Beer Float Day a couple of weeks ago) and walking. My original goal was to get my weight back down below 200 pounds (which I did) and to continue losing weight after that, which I've done sporadically, by walking and eating less. I'm usually pretty good about it during the week (although not always) but I have a hard time maintaining both on the weekend. However, I think I can maintain them both for 6 days a week!

Once I can do that, I'll need to improve the calories that I'm putting into my body, and not just burning off more than I take in. My friend, Luci Gabel, has a book coning out called "Eat to Lead" which should provide some guidance on the foods I should be putting into my body.

I'll keep you posted on how I do with the 85% diet and exercise solution.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - More Herbs, Less Salt DayLemon Juice DayIndividual Rights DayChop Suey Day and Potteries Bottle Oven Day

Next Wednesday - Wildlife DayNewspaper Carrier DayMacadamia Nut Day and Global Talent Acquisition Day

September 28 - Drink Beer DayWorld Rabies DayGood Neighbor DayRabbit DayStrawberry Cream Pie DaySave Your Photos Day and International Poke Day

Week long celebrations:
September 23 - 29: International Week of Happiness at Work
Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

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