Wednesday, August 21, 2019

SendOutCards Convention 2019

I wasn't able to make it to the convention this year; something came up at the last moment. Fortunately, it was available as a live stream so I was able to watch all three days from the comfort of my own home! I wrote about the first two days, which were the Relationship Marketing Grand Summit, here and here. There's a lot of good information for any business owners and salespeople in those two posts...I highly recommend that you check them out.

Today's post is a combination of two events...on Thursday evening there was a session that introduced some new products for SendOutCards, as well as a bigger session on Saturday where awards and recognition were given.

We'll start with the new product announcements:

The big additions are the Card A Day subscription and the System Package.

SendOutCards simplified things by reducing the number of card types from three to two...heartfelt sends and system sends.

A heartfelt card is one card to one person, such as a birthday card or anniversary card, that's sent immediately. System sends are group sends, the same card to multiple people, such as Christmas cards; scheduled cards; or a multiple card drip campaign.

The $37 a month Card A Day plan filled in a big void between the $17 plan and the $97 plan. You can send 30 heartfelt cards a month (not including postage) and you get a 20% discount on gifts. Additional heartfelt cards and any system cards are $2,00 each. And the $97 plan now has discounted shipping in addition to its unlimited heartfelt cards (postage included), as well as a 30% discount on gifts.

The system package includes 300 system sends for $395, with any additional system sends at $1.31 no matter which subscription that you have (this is an add must also have a subscription). Plus, unlimited access to the campaign store for a year!

There was also a system training demo on Thursday evening. I'll be putting on a system training this Saturday.

The main event took place on Saturday, with recognition and awards!

Rookie of the Year - Susan Day

There were two Rising Stars...April Brumm and Victor Mabu

Executive of the Year was Darla DiGrandi-Aguilera

Jay McHugh was the winner of the One Thing award

The Runner-up Affiliate of the Year was Callie Teegardin

And the Affiliates of the Year were Gayle and Steve Zientek

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Burger DayEat A Peach DayTake Your Cat to the Vet DayPecan Torte Day and Be An Angel Day

Next Wednesday - Bow Tie DayRace Your Mouse Around The Icons DayRadio Commercials DayRainbow Bridge Remembrance DayCrackers Over The Keyboard Day and Cherry Turnover Day

September 21 - World Gratitude DayPecan Cookie DayEat An Apple DayMiniature Golf DayCoastal Cleanup DayInternational Day of PeaceGymnastics DayWorld Alzheimer’s Day and Escapology Day

Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

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