Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Much nothing to ado about

I really have no plan for today. I had looked at a couple of articles on The Art of Manliness, although nothing really caught my eye. The article on How to Make an Authentic Philly Cheesesteak at Home did sound pretty tasty but since Cheesesteak Day was on March 20th I decided to skip it for now.

This Friday will be Martini Day, so that might be an interesting topic. Let's see what AoM has to say on the subject:
It’s an argument that has plagued modern man since the dawn of time. Well, since the early fifties, at least. Just how does one make the “perfect martini?” If you ask ten different martini drinkers, my bet is you’ll get ten different answers. Most will be crap. Gentle readers, I intend to put this query to bed, once and for all. The following is the only way to make the perfect martini. Read it. Memorize it. Become one with it. For this, indeed, is the ultimate guide to the good life.
The article then describes what ingredients you'll need as well as a 12 step program on how to make the perfect martini.
  • Ice. Lot’s of it.
  • Properly chilled, stemmed martini glasses (Properly chilled means your glasses should be in the freezer for a minimum of one hour prior to making the martini. To avoid confusion, or disaster, I suggest putting said glasses in the freezer and leaving them there permanently.)
  • Vermouth
  • A glass pitcher or metal shaker
  • Garnish, be it olives, or lemon peel. These are the only things, garnish-wise, that are permitted. Sure, you can use things like cocktail onions, but then it isn’t a martini, now is it? The answer is no. It’s a Gibson.
  • And last, but obviously not least, gin. Pay attention, dear readers. I said GIN. I did not mention raspberries, chocolate, or anything involving butterscotch. Those drinks may be “martini-like”, by virtue of the type glass in which they rest, but the similarity ends right there, buster. And don’t give me any of this James Bond crap about vodka. No! That is not a martini, either. Case closed.
Here's an article on the debate between gin and vodka, as well as shaken vs stirred.

The article then concludes with some martini drinking etiquette.

Gin? Vodka? Shaken? Stirred? What's your preference?

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Eat Your Vegetables DayGarbage Man DayTessellation DayCherry Tart Day and Apple Strudel Day

Next Tuesday - Let It Go DayInternational Widows DayWomen in Engineering DayTypewriter Day and Public Service Day

July 16 - Guinea Pig Appreciation DayCorn Fritters DayFresh Spinach Day and World Snake Day

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