Thursday, June 25, 2020

Communicate to Influence #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published two years ago:

That's the title of the book written by Kelly and Ben Decker from Decker Communications.

I first heard of Decker Communications when Kelly Decker did a presentation for AT&T. I found her presentation fun, entertaining and informative, so I decided to read the book.

The first chapter of the book is called "Business Communication Sucks", which it does. But so does a lot of personal communication.

I'm still reading the book. I'm on the last few chapters but I used The Decker Method to prepare for my presentation at our A Leg Up Meetup group a little later today. One of the key tools that is used in the book is called the Decker Grid. It helps focus your presentation on your audience and to organize your presentation.

Whether you need to make a small or large business presentation, or even just a conversation with friends or family, this book will help you learn how to engage your audience and to get their buy-in for whatever you're presenting.

This will be my first attempt at using the Decker Method but I'll let you know how it goes. I'm sure this first attempt will be a little shaky but I'm already sure that it'll be better than if I hadn't used their method.

Check out the Decker Communications website and be sure to read the book to upgrade your business and personal communications!

This actually turned out to be a good book. I did eventually finish reading the book and I really enjoyed it. It was a library book so I eventually had to return it. But i did just get the Audible book. I'll have to look into either buying a Kindle copy or a book.

Interesting days

Today - Bomb Pop DayGlobal Beatles DayGoats Cheese DayStrawberry Parfait DayColor TV Day and Catfish Day

Yesterday - Beautician’s DayTake Your Dog To Work DayWorld Refrigeration DayChocolate Pudding Day and Canoe Day

Next Thursday - Don't Forgot DayWorld UFO Day and Anisette Day 

Week long celebrations:
Jul 18 - Jul 26: Moth Week

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