Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fly like an eagle (again!) #TBT

Today's post was originally published two years ago:

Last week I wrote about the first person in at least five and a half years to be promoted to SendOutCards' highest rank - Eagle. This week it happened again. Melissa Barlock is the second new Eagle to be promoted in a week.

How is it that it's been at least five and a half years before Diane Walker was promoted last week and only a week between Diane and Melissa?

SendOutCards has changed its promotion requirements. Instead of needing ever increasing numbers of distributors, the new requirements are based almost entirely on sales volume. You do need at least one other distributor on your team, and while more would be helpful, there is not a fixed amount needed.

Not only are there 2 new Eagles, there are also 7 new Senior Executives and 50 new Executives in the past month. As well as numerous Managers and Senior Managers.

The requirements are basically:

Distributor to Manager - $500 in monthly volume
Manager to Senior Manager - $2,000 in monthly volume
Senior Manager to Executive - $10,000 in monthly volume
Executive to Senior Executive - $50,000 in monthly volume
Senior Executive to Eagle - $100,000 in monthly volume

There are two other more than 50% can come from any one leg. You and your customers count as one leg. Any other distributors in your organization and their customers each count as an additional leg. And you must meet your volume requirements two months in a row.

There are also other requirements for Senior Executive and Eagle.

I'm currently a Manager, but if I can meet my volume requirements for Senior Manager this month and next month, there are special incentives - including VIP status at the Convention in April and a 20% reduction in the volume requirements to be promoted to Executive.

So, I'm asking everyone I know to please sign up as a customer for November and December, at least, although you may find that you like the service. If so, feel free to continue. Also, all bundles count towards volume.

If I can get the distributors in my organization to do the same thing, I just might be able to make it! if you can! I'd really appreciate it! You can sign up directlyemail me, or call or text me at (707)685-1382.

The requirements for Manager and Sr. Manager have changed. It's possible to rank advance strictly on volume in one month and no additional leg is required. However, the volume requirements have changed.

Distributor to Manager - $970 in monthly volume (at least $485 has to come from your leg)
Manager to Senior Manager - $4,850 in monthly volume (at least $485 has to come from your leg)

The remaining advancements require reaching the levels two months in a row plus no more than 50% can come from any one leg:

Senior Manager to Executive - $15,000 in monthly volume (at least $485 has to come from your leg)
Executive to Senior Executive - $75,000 in monthly volume (at least $485 has to come from your leg)
Senior Executive to Eagle - $150,000 in monthly volume (at least $485 has to come from your leg)

Also, the special incentives have ended.

Right after this post was originally published, Phebe Trotman also promoted to Eagle!

Interesting days

Today - Men Make Dinner DayBittersweet Chocolate With Almonds DayHug A Bear Day and Project Management Day

Tomorrow - Guinness World Record DayCappuccino DayCook Something Bold and Pungent DayWorld Quality DayHarvey Wallbanger Day and X-Ray Day

Next Thursday - Loosen Up, Lighten Up DayWorld Diabetes DaySpicy Guacamole DayOperating Room Nurse Day and Pickle Day

Week long celebrations:
November 11 - 17: Human-Animal Relationship Awareness Week
November 12 - 18: Talk Money Week
December 7 - Cotton Candy DayPearl Harbor Remembrance Day and International Civil Aviation Day

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas

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