Monday, November 25, 2019

All 5 ways to win #pumpkinSpiceCaramels

Here are all the ways you can get an entry into the pumpkin spice caramels giveaway.

1. Watch this video This is probably the easiest way to enter. You get one ticket for watching the video. Be sure to let me know when you've watched it. Also, if you've watched one or both of the previous videos, let me know that too!

2. Share the video There are several ways you can do this. Click on the Facebook icon on the lower right corner of the video above, then click on Share in the upper right corner and select how you want to share it...

You can share it to your wall or story, send it in Messenger, or start a watch party. Sharing it to your wall or story is the least effective, unless you tag people in the comments. Sending in Messenger is very effective if you only want to share it with a few people at a time. If you host a watch party you can invite all of your friends to watch it. Every one of your friends who watches the video gets an entry in the you get an entry also! Again, let me know who's watched it, so I can enter both of you in the drawing.

3. Download the app If you download the app to your phone, you'll get another entry into the drawing.

4. Share the app You can share the app directly from the app on your phone. Here's a video that shows how to do includes instructions for iOS and Android. You and your friends each get an entry into the drawing, when they also download the app.

5. Send a card from the app Use the app to send a card. If you're not already a SendOutCards customer, the first card is free...including postage to anywhere in the world.

Be sure to let me know when you complete any of these tasks.

Interesting days

Today - Shopping Reminder DayBlase’ Day and Parfait Day

Tomorrow - Cake Day

Next Monday - Fritters Day and Cyber Monday

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas
December 25 - Christmas and Pumpkin Pie Day

Month long celebrations:
November 28 - December 31: A Blue Christmas

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