Thursday, September 19, 2019

Happy #TalkLikeAPirateDay! #TBT

Today's blog post was originally posted two years ago:

Avast ye, me hearties! I know ye be wanting to know why September 19th be Talk Like a Pirate Day.

The origin story (and who doesn't like a good origin story?), directly from the official Talk Like a Pirate Day website says:
By the time our hour on the court was over, we realized that lapsing into pirate lingo had made the game more fun and the time pass more quickly. We decided then and there that what the world really needed was a new national holiday, Talk Like A Pirate Day.
First, we needed a date for the holiday. As any guy can tell you, June 6 is the anniversary of World War II’s D-Day. Guys hold dates like that in reverence and awe so there was no way we could use June 6.
Mark came up with September 19. That was and is his ex-wife’s birthday, and the only date he could readily recall that wasn’t taken up with something like Christmas or the Super Bowl or something. We also decided — right then and there on the court on June 6, 1995 — that the perfect spokesman for our new holiday was none other than Dave Barry himself, nationally syndicated humor columnist and winner of the Pulitzer by-God Prize. So, naturally, we forgot all about it.
However, it is with a heavy heart (well, it would be heavy if I had one), that I must inform you that one of the best parts of Talk Like a Pirate Day is no more free donuts at Krispy Kreme! Apparently there are other promotions that they've deemed more important...they should be keelhauled!

More from the website:
But wait! All is not completely lost. Our friends at Long John Silvers (at least they still love us) have upped the ante.
This year they are NOT offering a free piece of fish for those who come in dressed like a pirate. Oh no! They’re offering a bar of gold!
Not gold gold, of course. Don’t be silly. But this Sept. 19 they’re giving away, free, their new Deep Fried Twinkie!
That’s sort of like a bar of gold, if you turn your head a little and squint your eyes.
As much as I'm going to miss my free donuts, Long John Silver's is a much more appropriate choice for celebrating. Although the fact that I dislike seafood may be a bit limiting. But I may have to sample a Deep Fried Twinkie!

And it's still possible to change your language on Facebook to English (Pirate)!

Some more Talk Like a Pirate Day sad news! You can't change your Facebook to English (Pirate)...although you can still do English (Upside down), and no more free bars of gold from Long John Silver's..but you can get a free piece of fish, if you talk like a pirate, and a free 2 piece fish basket if you dress like a pirate!

Interesting days

Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
Next Thursday - Johnny Appleseed DayLumberjack DayFitness DayRemember Me Thursday and Human Resource Professional Day

Week long celebrations:
September 23 - 29: International Week of Happiness at Work
Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
October 19 - I Love Yarn Day,Bridge DaySweetest DayRepair Day and Evaluate Your Life Day

Week long celebrations:
October 13 - 19: Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week 

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