Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Duplication principles

Duplication is the heart of growing a network marketing business. In his weekly SendOutCards call Jordan Adler addresses duplication. Although this is slanted towards SOC, the principles apply to any business.

First Jordan talks about making the "big money" and although some people are looking for big money, most people can't relate to that. In fact, most people are really looking for a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month.

He then talks about duplication is something that you create. The company doesn't create it, your upline doesn't create it...you create it.

One of the best ways to duplicate is to invite people to events. Anyone can invite people to events that are put on by the company or someone else in the organization.

I'm sure you've heard about the "3 who get 3 who get 3"

We all know that it never works out this way. A better plan is to keep adding new customers and affiliates every month...if you bring in 2 affiliates a month for 4 years, you'll have 96 affiliates under you.

Out of this 96, you'll find a few key people...the ones who take initiative to grow the business. When you get 4 key people in one leg, this is what Jordan calls a freedom leg. You'll probably make enough money from this one leg to cover your car payment. When you get a second freedom leg, you'll also be able to cover your rent or mortgage. A third leg? You no longer need a job! Your residual income is covering your living expenses. This is financial freedom...you no longer need to trade your time for money. Although at this point, your discretionary income isn't very high. The fourth leg will give you discretionary income. And the fifth leg will bring you wealth. The last I heard, Jordan had 7 freedom legs bringing him over a million dollars a year.

On next week's call, Jordan will be giving examples of things you can do to create duplication in your business...and I'll write about it next Tuesday.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Goth DayMaritime Day and Harvey Milk Day

 Week long celebrations:
May 20 - 26: Italian Beef Week
Next Tuesday - Hamburger DayAmnesty International DayBrisket Day and Menstrual Hygiene Day

Week long celebrations:
May 27 - Jun 3: Map Reading Week
June 21 - Take Your Dog To Work DayWorld Music DayGo Skateboarding DayDaylight Appreciation DayWorld Humanist DaySelfie DayMake Music DayInternational Yoga DayWorld Giraffe DayPeaches ‘N’ Cream DayWorld Motorcycle Day and Take Back the Lunch Break Day

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