Wednesday, May 8, 2019


I went to a BNI breakfast event yesterday morning. If you're not familiar with BNI it's Business Network International, the world's largest business networking group.

The breakfast was part of Visitors Day at the Modesto Founders BNI chapter. A few of my Facebook friends are members there, Judy Stark and her husband Richard; Tony Diaz; and Jerry Van Houten. I'm not sure of the exact numbers but there were quite a few visitors there as well as many members of the chapter.

The breakfast was good: French toast, scrambled eggs and bacon! (FREE!), Everybody had a chance to introduce themselves and their business. And business cards were passed around.

I was planning on going to another breakfast this morning, but I need to get back into my sleeping wasn't too bad yesterday morning because I had Monday night off and I could go to bed early.

Now that we have that out of the way, the question is "What do I do with these business cards?". Dr. Ivan Misner, the founder of BNI, has an idea called the 24/7/30 plan. I'll let Dr. Misner explain it for you, first in a podcast:
Today’s topic comes from Dr. Misner’s book Avoiding the Networking Disconnect. Dr. Misner’s co-author Brennan Scanlon came up with this system for following up with new contacts after meeting them at networking events. It’s called the 24/7/30 Follow-up System. 
  1. When you meet someone at an event, drop them a note within 24 hours after meeting them. Handwritten notes are the best, but using email is better than not doing it. 
  2. Within 7 days, connect and engage with them on the social media platform they use the most. Do not sell to them. 
  3. Within 30 days, set up a face-to-face meeting (in person or by video conference). Do not make this a sales call. Make it a relationship-building opportunity.
He also mentions SendOutCards:
Now, we do have BNI members with Send Out Cards. That is a great program. I love that and programs like that where you can do it online and send out a personal card. 
In either case, follow up with either a handwritten note, a professional card through someone like that organization which I have recommended for many years, or an email. I am probably a little better at the email, so that is what I tend to do, or send them a card through an organization like Send Out Cards. I use Send Out Cards.
There's also a video on the same subject:

He also mentions SendOutCards in this video. And lastly, is an interview that he did with Kody Bateman, the founder of SendOutCards, he talks a lot about SendOutCards.

I've sent out a few cards to the people I met yesterday, and I'll send out a few more today. I don't have addresses for everyone, so some will be getting emails for now.

Next, I'll connect with them on Facebook and/or LinkedIn. And finally, I'll setup face to face meetings with them

When you meet someone new in your networking endeavors, don't forget the 24/7/30 plan. And don't forget SendOutCards!

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Teacher Appreciation DayLost Sock Memorial Day and Moscato Day

Next Wednesday - Chocolate Chip DayNumeracy DayStraw Hat DayNylon Stockings DayVascular Birthmarks Awareness Day and World Facilities Management Day

June 8 - World Gin DayBest Friends DayUpsy Daisy DayWorld Oceans Day and World Doll Day

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