Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Meet the speakers

Here are interviews with a few of the speakers from this year's 2 Day Virtual Relationship Marketing Grand Summit coming up Labor Day week. Click on the names to watch the interview. The descriptions are from the Event Details page for the RMGS.

First will be Bernadette McClelland:
Audiences that have had the privilege of hearing from Bernadette McClelland have identified her as “Real” and “Everyday.” Bernadette has the extraordinary talent of creating the mood of a one-on-one conversation with her listeners. An award winning sales executive from within Fortune 500 companies such as Xerox, CA, and Kodak, Bernadette has been recognized as one of the top 35 women in sales globally by Sales Hacker. Bernadette has been voted as one of the top 100 sales coaches globally and has written five books on sales and leadership. She also founded Women Who Sell, an Australian initiative for women in corporate sales. Bernadette has earned her diploma in psychology based learnings and neuroscience behaviors. She is truly an advocate for women in the salesforce.
Next is Jerome Gafford:
For Jerome Gafford, education and sales go hand in hand. Having earned his PhD in Business Administration and Marketing/Sales, Jerome is the founder and CEO of his business, The Sales Doctor, while also working as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Marketing at The University of Texas at Dallas. Jerome knows that “Healthy selling is happy selling.” It is his mission to help sales organizations achieve peak results through Customer-Focused Strategies. Jerome is skilled in training facilitation, professional speaking, sales enablement, sales training, sales presentations, sales operations, talent development, marketing, and Sales Effectiveness. With his no-nonsense style, Jerome is focussed on changing businesses to they can attract and retain more clients while driving more revenue and increasing productivity.
Followed by Larry Levine:
Larry Levine has 27 years of experience in B2B sales in the technology industry. Using his LinkedIn sales strategy, Larry was able to develop a $1.6 million sales pipeline at the Japanese OEM in Los Angeles. Now, Larry coaches B2B sales professionals to do what he did. Since 2015, Larry has coached both tenured reps and those just starting their career. Larry is also the best-selling of Selling from the Heart, which teaches readers to find their authentic self and bring that authenticity to the sales world.
Next up is Meridith Elliott Powell:
Meredith is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and business strategist. She has a background in corporate sales and leadership with her career expanding over several industries including banking, healthcare, and finance. Meredith has used her unique skills and talents to work up from an entry-level position to earning a seat at the C-Suite table. She is a Certified Speaking Professional and is passionate about helping her clients learn the sales and leadership strategies they need to succeed in an ever-changing market.
There are other speakers described on the Event Details page, but I don't have interviews with them at this time. Watch for an update in the next week or so.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Dog DayCherry Popsicle DayWebMistress Day and Women’s Equality Day

September will be Sepsis Awareness MonthFriendship MonthSourdough SeptemberChiari Awareness MonthRead A New Book MonthOvarian Cancer Awareness MonthPulmonary Fibrosis Awareness MonthSuicide Prevention MonthShake MonthSewing MonthChildhood Cancer Awareness MonthHunger Action MonthHappy Cat MonthHoney MonthChicken MonthPiano MonthPreparedness MonthLibrary Card Sign-up Month and Mushroom Month

Next Tuesday - Building and Code Staff Appreciation DayTofu DayGinger Cat Appreciation DayLetter Writing DayEmma M Nutt Day and Cherry Popover Day

September 25 - World Dream DayHug a Vegetarian DayFitness DayGerman Butterbrot DayBetter Breakfast DayBinge DayCooking DayPsychotherapy DayWorld Pharmacists DayLove Note DayOne-Hit Wonder Day and Comic Book Day

Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

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