Monday, October 21, 2019

Expect Great Things

Today's post is from The Art of Manliness:
On a fall day, Henry David Thoreau and his brother John wandered by a river looking for historical artifacts. His “head full of the past and its remains,” Thoreau surveyed the landscape and romantically imagined where the area’s Native Americans had once lived, hunted, and feasted. “Here,” he then exclaimed, “stood Tahatawan [a local chieftain]; and there is Tahatawan’s arrowhead.” As Thoreau playfully reached down to pick up what appeared to be an ordinary rock . . . he found that it was, in fact, a perfectly preserved arrowhead. 
These kinds of serendipitous occurrences were no rarity for Thoreau; he was known for having an uncanny knack for finding whatever it was he was thinking about and searching for. 
This ability wasn’t a matter of mere coincidence, but rather a manifestation of the magnetism of Thoreau’s intentions. “In the long run, we find what we expect,” he said. “We shall be fortunate then if we expect great things.”
This is an excellent example of the law of tend to see more of what you're paying attention to. I've written about the subject here.

More from AoM:
When I read a book with pen in hand, I discover (and subsequently underline) more insights within it. The presence of the pen doesn’t change the text, of course, but rather puts me in a more expectant frame of mind, prompting me to notice what might otherwise be passed over. 
When someone moves to a new city and expects to find the culture boring and the people rude, that’s exactly what they encounter. When another person moves to the very same place, expecting to find layers of interest and friendly folks, that’s exactly what they encounter, too. 
Some say it’s best to keep expectations low, dampening disappointment if they’re not met. But that assumes the outcome will be the same regardless of our anticipations. Instead, in ways both practical and metaphysical, heightened expectations create possibilities unavailable in their absence. 
As Thoreau observed, “We find only the world we look for.”
 So, what are you looking for?

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Caps Lock DaySmart is Cool DayNut Day and International Stuttering Awareness Day

Next Monday - Plush Animal Lover’s Day and Animation Day

November 21 - World Hello DayStuffing DayFalse Confession DayRed Mitten DayUse Less Stuff DayBeaujolais Nouveau DaySocial Enterprise Day and World Television Day

Week long celebrations:
November 18 - 24: Road Safety Week 

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