Monday, June 18, 2018

The 3% solution

This post is on the power of thank you cards to your customers.

Only 3% of businesses send a thank you to their customers...whether email or otherwise but the thank you is very powerful. How powerful? Check out the examples here.

You can send a thank you via social media or email, and while better than nothing, they're gone in a moment and very few people will print them out and put them on their fridge or their desk.

The most effective type of thank you is the thank you card. You can go to the store, buy a box of thank you cards and a book of stamps, but for most people the cards sit in the box, unsent. Why is that? I mean, the intention is there, but the execution is often a bit lax. I think a big reason is that it seems to be too much work to fill out the card, address the envelope and get it in the mail for such a small gesture. Two's a HUGE gesture and it is too much work to send a card that way. But SendOutCards makes it very easy. You don't have to fill out the card (unless you want to), you don't have to address the envelope and you don't have to get it in the mail. SendOutCards does all of that for you.

Joe Girard, the World's Greatest Salesman, per the Guinness Record Book, simply sent out a card every month to every customer who ever bought a car from him (13,001) or prospect. That came out to 14,000 cards a month. No sales pitch. Just "I like you" and "Happy New Year" or whatever holiday occurred that month.

Joe needed a full time staff to send out his cards every month. With SendOutCards, you just need your mailing list. We do the rest!

So, click on the link, check out the 2 minute video and I'll be glad to work with you to set up the right plan for you.

Interesting days

July 18 - Hot Dog DayCaviar Day and Mandela Day

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