Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Great Debate #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published five years ago:

A Facebook friend shared this picture yesterday:

How many of you remember that TV series? And more importantly, how many of you remember the great debate about the show? If you're a male, in the 60 year old range, then I'm sure you already know what the debate is...but if you don't know I'll tell you in a minute (or maybe two depending on your reading speed).

In yesterday's blog post I talked about personality and personality tests, including the 4 question test at but there's been a 3 word personality test around for the last 50 years. So what is it?

Ginger or Mary Ann?

As the article in the link says 
It's a question that's as much about personality and expectations as it is about looks. Ginger had the va-va-voom figure, the sparkly gowns (so many, packed for what was supposed to be a three-hour tour) and the breathy Marilyn Monroe voice. Mary Ann had a lovely figure too, though her outfits were more Daisy Mae than glamorous movie star. But she was the one viewers could relate to, a winsome farm girl who was as all-American as the flag. Ginger was the unattainable dream, Mary Ann the more realistic dream come true.
For years my response was Mary Ann, then it was "Yes" (why choose?) but more recently I've changed from an either/or mentality to a both/and one. So my answer is Ginger and Mary Ann. Not necessarily at the same time (get your mind out of the gutter...but if the opportunity presented itself, it wouldn't be fair to play favorites) but to live an abundance lifestyle.

Here's an interesting article Moving From Either/Or to Both/And on the subject. Here's a quote form that article:
So, what if there really is enough pie to go around, for everyone, all the time? I could kick myself, because so often I approach life with a limited, constrained point of view, which is really just a mentality of depletion and impoverishment. That's no way to live.
What if there is enough pie to go around? I think there is. Don't fall for the either/or trap. Because you can have it all.

Interesting days

Today - Cat Day and Internet Day What is it about the internet and cat videos?

Tomorrow - Checklist DayBandana DayCreate A Great Funeral DayHaunted Refrigerator Night and Candy Corn Day

I better buy some today so that I can build my own ear of corn. Photos tomorrow.

Next Thursday - Love Your Red Hair DayMen Make Dinner DayProject Management Day and Gunpowder Day

Week long celebrations:
Nov 1 - Nov 8: Marzipan Week
November 29 - Chocolates DayLemon Cream Pie DayThrow Out Your Leftovers Day Square Dancing Day and Electronic Greetings Day How last millennium!

Month long celebrations:
Nov 26 - Dec 31: A Blue Christmas

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