Thursday, July 25, 2019

Do your habits match your dreams? #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published two years ago:

This post is based on a SendOutCards Leadership Call from July 17, 2017.

The best things in life take some effort to get them, whether it is health, happiness, or learning a new skill. There is no such thing as the "status quo", so if you're not growing, you're decaying.

If what you're doing doesn't get you out of your comfort zone, there won't be any growth. No pain, no gain. That doesn't only apply when you're building your muscles, anything worthwhile requires some stretching beyond the point of comfort.

What are your dreams and goals? Are you doing the uncomfortable things that you need to be doing to accomplish them?

Most people have uphill dreams...their dreams (like any good dream or goal), requires effort;  but they have downhill habits...they don't do the things they need to do to grow into those dreams. A goal, or dream, isn't about what you'll have when you accomplish it, but it's about who you'll become in order to accomplish it.

So, go after your dreams. But realize that it may be a long, uphill effort to get to them but you'll have a much better view ahead of you when you get to the top of that hill.

Interesting days

Today -  Chili Dog DayThread The Needle DayHot Fudge Sundae DayCarousel Day and Wine and Cheese Day

Tomorrow - Aunt and Uncle DayOne Voice DaySystem Administrator Appreciation DayAll or Nothing DayHolistic Therapy Day and Coffee Milk Shake Day

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