Monday, April 8, 2019

Goals vs outcomes

I'm finally wrapping up my series from a couple of weeks ago!

An outcome is the final result that you desire (desired outcome), while the expected outcome is what you can expect to probably happen, while the actual outcome is what ends up happening depending on whether or not you meet your goals...which are the steps to get you to your desired outcome.

Let's say that your 25th high school reunion is coming up in a couple of months and your desired outcome is that your high school sweetheart falls in love with you again. So, here are some goals you might want to accomplish to get you to your desired outcome:
  • Lose 100 pounds
  • Divorce your spouse
  • Get your heartthrob to divorce their spouse
  • Get a job and quit living on welfare
Here were a few goals. But based on the likelihood of being able to accomplish those goals, you can pretty much assume that the expected outcome doesn't match the desired income. Maybe if there was more than a couple of months, you might be able to accomplish those goals.

Many people may have the same goal, but their likelihood of success may depend on the strategy they choose to implement. Let's assume that several people have the goal of having one million dollars in cash. I'm sure that most people have that on their wish list, but these people have decided to make that a goal. What are some of the strategies that people can use?
  • Work hard at their job
  • Invest in the stock market
  • Win the lottery
  • Rob a bank
  • Join a network marketing company
Unless you're the CEO of a major corporation, your chances of earning a million dollars are quite slim. So, you may want to set a goal to become CEO first. Investing in the stock market and playing the lottery are also probably not the best ways. I've written about both of these methods somewhere, but I can't find it! But neither of those methods is ideal. We can pretty much visualize the probable outcome of robbing the bank and it's not pretty.

So, that leaves joining a network marketing company. What? Are you kidding me? No, network marketing is a viable way to earn millions of dollars. I don't know how many millionaires there are in network marketing...I saw statistics once but I can't find them again. But I do know several people personally that have made tens of millions of dollars over their career and I know of one that's currently making almost $2,000,000 a year.

Anyway, to wrap up the series - pick some items from your wish list that you would like to accomplish, figure out what goals will get you to your desired outcome and work your way towards accomplishing your goals.

I'm working on my purpose, mission and vision statements. When I come up with something, I'll let you know.

Interesting days

Today - Draw a Picture of a Bird Day and Zoo Lovers Day

Tomorrow - Unicorn DayWinston Churchill DayBe Kind To Lawyers DayEqual Pay DayLibrary Workers DayCherish An Antique DayName Yourself Day and ASMR Day

Next Monday - That Sucks! DayTake A Wild Guess DayMicrovolunteering DayASL Day and Anime Day

May 8 - No Socks Day, Receptionists Day, World Donkey Day, Third Shift Workers’ Day, Donate A Day’s Wages To Charity Day, School Nurse Day, Iris Day, Root Canal Appreciation Day and Free Trade Day

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