Thursday, November 29, 2018

Team building #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published two years ago:

You may notice a theme here this week. I was taking a class at work on Sunday night about team building, so this week is going to be variations on a theme.

I'm sure most of us can use more of each of these. And I'm going to talk about how to get more today and tomorrow.

Although we technically can't get any more time, since there are only 24 hours in a day, we can choose how we spend that time more wisely.

And since "Time is money" maybe we can treat them both fact I did a blog post on "How to Invest Your Time Like Money", so not only is a penny saved, a penny earned but a second saved is a second earned. Spend your time and money wisely and keep an eye on your ROI, and you'll end up with more of each.

But what about energy? What can we do to have more energy?

I read a book quite a while ago called "Calm Energy" which talks about how to reduce stress and increase energy mostly through diet and exercise. I probably should read it again since I'm doing poorly with both, although I've just started walking more. And maybe start doing yoga again to help relax and to stretch this old body.

So, my final thoughts are:
  • Read "Calm Energy" to boost your energy and reduce stress
  • Spend your money wisely and find a way to make more if possible. I have a fun and easy way to make some extra money, if you're interested
  • Spend your time wisely. Read the blog that I linked to above. And there's a link to another excellent article on "Why you should track your time like you track your money" under Show Highlights
Tune in tomorrow for more.

Interesting days

Today - Electronic Greetings DayThrow Out Your Leftovers DaySquare Dancing DayChocolates DayLemon Cream Pie Day and A Blue Christmas The problem with electronic greetings is that so many people's inbox looks something like this:

So, even if it doesn't go to die in the spam folder it may end up in a mailbox that's already overfilled. But with the new SendOutCards app, it's as easy to send a real greeting card as it is to send an electronic greeting

Tomorrow - Systems Engineer Day, Computer Security DayMason Jar DayStay Home Because You’re Well DayMousse Day and A Blue Christmas

Next Thursday - Miners’ DayMitten Tree DayPawnbrokers DaySt. Nicholas DayPut On Your Own Shoes Day and A Blue Christmas

December 29 - Tick Tock Day, Pepper Pot Day and A Blue Christmas Here's a recipe for Pepper Pot Soup

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