Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Can you do a little more?

This post is based on a SendOutCards call today (September 17, 2018) by Jordan Adler. Although this was a SendOutCards call, it applies to everyone...not only in your business but in your life.

I thought I'd written about this subject before, but when I searched through my archives I couldn't find anything...so here goes!

Jordan's call talked about doing just a little more each day. In SOC if you're sending one card a day bump it up to two or three. If you're sharing your business once or twice a week, share it once or twice a day.

Kaizen is the idea of continuous improvement, normally defined as getting 1% better a day. So, if you get 1% better a day, at the end of a year:

Easy enough. But wrong!

It's actually 3,778% because of compounding (1.01^365). Instead of getting 3.65 times better in a year, you're getting 37.78 times better or 10X better than you'd think!

A one percent increase per week is 167% per year! One percent per month is 113% per year.

Let's say you want to go from sharing your business with one person a week to 2 per day? You could jump from 1 a week to 10 a week, or you can build up to it. If you want to accomplish this in 90 days, you can increase the number of people you talk to by 2.15 X per month. In the first month you talk to 2 people a week, the 2nd month you talk to 4 or 5 a week (or one a day) and the third month you're up to 2 people a day.

Or you can look at it on a monthly basis. Right now you're talking to four people a month but you'd like to make it 100 per month in a year...if you're working 20 days a month that's 5 people a day. That comes out to 1.47 times more per month. Or about 1 1/2 times more people per month. In fact, you can make it to 100 people in only 8 months if you get 1.5 times better per month...4 people the first month...6 the second month...9 the third...etc.

It doesn't matter what it is in life that you want to improve, whether working out, losing weight, reading a book...it's usually much better to go for small, continuous improvements rather than one big improvement. In fact, we're going to be talking about reading tomorrow.

Interesting days

Today - Get Ready DayCheeseburger DayWater Monitoring DayRespect DayHug A Greeting Card Writer DayFirst Love Day and  International Read An Ebook Day

Tomorrow - Talk Like A Pirate Day and Butterscotch Pudding Day

Next Tuesday - World Dream DayComic Book DayOne-Hit Wonder DayWorld Pharmacists DayPsychotherapy DayCooking DayBinge DayBetter Breakfast Day and German Butterbrot Day 

October 18 - Get Smart About Credit DayChocolate Cupcake DayNo Beard Day and Conflict Resolution Day 


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