Friday, July 17, 2015

Confessions of another tucker

My name is Rick and I'm a tucker.

Yes, I admit it. I tuck my shirts in more than is considered stylish.

I read in a blog post the other day from about t-shirts and it included guidelines on when to tuck in your shirts here. Art of Manliness caters to men, young and old, with articles on health, fitness, work and style! And boy, I need help with style. It also has a lot of articles that are of general interest to everybody.

To tuck. Or not to tuck. That is the question. Whether it is more stylish to tuck and keep your shirt in your pants...or not tuck and have your shirt flapping in the wind? Aye, there's the rub.

To help answer that question, here's an excerpt from the AoM blog post:
Don’t tuck your tees in. It’s almost always going to come off as nerdy. Here’s which shirts you tuck, and which you don’t.
As I'm sitting here with my t-shirt tucked in. That might be why I look so nerdy!

And another tucking faux pas that I make is:
  • Hawaiian shirts — These and any other loud-print shirts don’t get tucked no matter what their hem looks like. Seriously, just don’t. Nothing looks dorkier than a tucked-in vacation shirt. This goes for Guayaberas as well.
Here's a general guideline for shirt tucking:
Shirts that are made with a flat bottom hem are meant to be worn untucked. But if the shirt has visible “tails” — that is to say, the hem varies in length, rather than being even all the way around — it should always be tucked in.
Wearing a shirt with tails untucked is not a forbidden look. But it is a juvenile one. With nothing else on the upper body, it makes you look like a teen rebel at a grown-up wedding. Under a jacket or with a suit, being untucked makes you look like you’re trying too hard to be stylishly rumpled.
 So, I tend to over tuck, but last night I did wear my Hawaiian shirt untucked.

Interesting days

Today - a strange sort of way. And it's Ahhhhh...that sounds refreshing

Next Friday - Did you hear the one about (I know I used that one yesterday!). It's also

Let's not forget and How about a drive thru where you can get shots of tequila, a margarita or tequila sunrise?

August 17 - and No, I don't think you can get a black cat at the thrift shop, but maybe you can take yours with you

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